How to Test your Widget Before Integrating

2 min. readlast update: 08.30.2021

After you set up your widget, email/text settings, and intake questions, you can test your widget.

Step 1 - Click on the 'Integration' tab in your left-hand menu

Step 2 - Click on the link under the 'Test Before You Deploy' section

  • This link brings you to our demo website. Fill out your widget as if you were a patient registering with your practice

Step 3 - Fill out the widget with real contact information

  • You will receive the welcome email and texts that you set up after clicking 'Continue' in the 'Patient Information' section of the widget
  • Fill out the rest of the widget so that you can see the full scope of the patient interaction

Step 4 - Make sure the patient communication looks right

  1. Check your email and ensure that the welcome email you received from the practice and the email you received from Docovia as the provider look good
  • Check your text messages and make sure the welcome text you received from the practice looks right
Notice that the SMS number your text comes from is not your office number. This is the number that patients will see then you text them through Docovia. It can be found under the 'Provider Profile' when you select 'Edit my Profile' 
  • Next, sign into your Docovia account and check out your new Consult Request
You can use this patient profile to experiment with your Docovia software and experience the patient perspective. Next step is to go to 'Consult Requests' and send yourself a treatment plan or a text!


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