How To Schedule a Video Consultation

1 min. readlast update: 07.21.2022

How to schedule a video consultation with a patient using Docovia Pro.

Step 1 - Go to section of the menu labeled 'Patients Pro'

Step 2 - Find the patient you want to schedule

Step 3 - Click on the calendar icon in the connect column


Step 4 - Fill out consultation details

  • Enter date/time
  • Select the allotted time for the Virtual Consultation
  • Type the Invite Title (i.e., Dr. Docovia invites you to a virtual consultation)
  • Type the Invite Description (i.e., Dr. Docovia is looking forward to meeting you!)
  • Click "Create and Notify"
    • This will send a calendar invite to the patient

For best results from the patient, include the following instructions in the calendar invite:

Prior to your video consultation: 

  1. Visit the portal and set up your login. *Include a link to your portal*
  2. Use the email provided when registering for your virtual consult.
  3. Create a password.

Step 5 - Start your video consultation

The day of your video consultation:

  • Login to Docovia 
  • Click on 'Patients Pro'
  • Click on 'view my calendar' or go into that patient's profile to view the meeting information
  • 15 minutes before the it is time for your meeting, click the blue 'Session Ready - Click To Start' button and start the virtual session
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