How Do I Add Existing Patients to Docovia?

2 min. readlast update: 08.30.2021

Learn how to add your existing patients to Docovia. You can also add new patients who entered your practice another way (i.e. phone, in-person.)

Step 1 - Click My Widget to open your widget from your Docovia dashboard OR go to your website to access your widget as the patient would

  • If your widget is not on the Welcome Screen, click the icon in the top right of the widget and click 'OK' to refresh the widget

Step 2 - Fill out any required fields on the intro page and then click 'Start Online Consultation'

Step 3 - Type in the patient's name, email, phone number, birth year, and postal code and click 'Continue'

  • You do not have to continue any further with the virtual consultation on the widget, the patient is now in your Docovia software.
  • If you want the patient to send you pictures you can enter their mobile phone number into the page on the widget that prompts you to enter a mobile phone number to take pictures because you are on a desktop. This will send a link to your patient's phone via SMS that will bring them to the photo page of the widget so they can take pictures.
Please note, you must be entering their information on a desktop to be able to send this message via SMS.
The patient will also receive a welcome email with a link to your website and a reminder to take pictures. If they follow this link it will take them to the beginning of the widget. After they enter their email the widget will recognize them and direct them to take pictures or to whatever page you left off on while entering their information. 
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